First off, I would like to clear up any confusion about me weekly I have not eaten 55 gelatos since we arrived and have not had 7 bottles of wine all by myself. That is how many we have eaten or drank between all three of us (well, no wine for Brandon). The gelato count averages out to about 2.2 a week per family member. Also, this is not a 100% accurate count. I am just counting the colorful gelato spoons we save. Occasionally one of us accidently throws the spoon away...or has a cone, just for variety. The count is actually a tiny bit higher.
Today is moving day...sort of. After 8 weeks of living in Italy, our belongings from Oregon will be arriving this morning. I have mixed feelings about this. I can't wait to have our bikes and baking dishes. Everything else seems unneeded right now. We've lived pretty comfortably for 8 weeks without all these things. Why do we need them now? Katrina and I both think there will be things that we shipped here that will make us wonder why we even shipped them. Living fairly simply has been nice.
I am watching the movers bring boxes up the elevator 2 at a time. Have I mentioned how small the elevators are? I'll have to write about them at a later date. Anyway, they bring them up and I check them off the inventory sheet. They are also unpacking specific boxes like pictures and furniture so we can check for damage.
The movers are gone. Everything seems to be here and with no damage, including the bikes. I started slowly unpacking, starting with kitchen and office items.
Our first package from the US arrived today - from Laurie. Thanks Laurie!! We had to pay an additional e8 to receive the package, after all that Laurie spent to get it to Italy. Maybe her charge was just to get it to Italy and ours was for it to be delivered?! Who knows, but a big thanks goes out to Laurie:)

Katrina scanned Brandon's class photo this morning. Its quite a diverse class. Mrs Williams is from England and the kids are from Belgium, United States, Brasil, Japan, Scotland and Italy, just to name a few that I remember.
Whew, its been a busy day unpacking boxes, but it is going pretty smoothly. Our apartment actually has better storage, shelving and cabinets than our house does.
I had all but 4 boxes unpacked by 5:45! All we have left are two boxes of clothes, some office supplies and the computer.
Brandon spent the day at Archeo Park with his class. He learned to make bread, looked at primitive huts, toured a cave and rode to an island on a raft. He had a great time. When the bus arrived back at school, almost all the boys got off the bus with a bow & arrow set. The kids were able to bring some money for the gift shop. Appararently the bow & arrow was the big hit for e10.
This evening we had tomatoes, mozzeralla and basil for dinner. Its considered an antipasta - appetizer - but is also sometimes a meal. Basically you layer tomato slices, mozzeralla slices and basil leaves on a plate, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle some salt and add pepper to taste. Basic, easy and tasty. We added crackers and wine and that was dinner.
Glad to hear that your "Stuff" arrived and dinner sounded wonderful!