The forecast for today in Vedano: sunny skies, high of 31c. Its going to be a warm one.
Brandon woke us up early this morning. He was excited about making paints from natural items. He gathered up some flowers, leaves, and spices from the kitchen. I helped crush them and he added a little water. Katrina and Brandon are now painting with his homemade paints. The paints did not turn out quite like Brandon expected. Oh well, it was a fun project.
Katrina and I spent part of the morning cleaning up the apartment. Brandon played music for us with his stick instruments. Brandon and I walked down to Villa Riale to see a model show that apparently happened last weekend. Hmmm.
Brandon jammin at the park.
Its a hot day in Monza.
We decided to walk back into Parco di Monza and do a little exploring. We found a playground with a bar that serves lunch and gelato. So, we had to try the gelato! Very good. Brandon played for awhile and rode on a big oversize swing with several other kids. After the playground we walked up to the main road and caught a ride on the park 'train' trolley.
Brandon exercising at one of the stations in Parco di Monza.
Playing music at the playground.
Katrina and Brandon went down to Parco di Matteotti. I decided to spend some time working on my model ship. I've read and reread the instruction book several times, but now I needed to actually start building it.
This evening we took the Metro into downtown Milano for dinner at el Barbapedana. We met Davide, his wife and daughter, Gianluigi and his wife, and Mike and Jen. We had a nice evening with some great food.
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