About Me

I am a 45 year husband and dad, currently adjusting to life back in the United States after living in Italy for a little over two years. I love spending time with my family, cycling, model railroading, mosaics and watching TV and movies.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Unpacking - Day 2

Today was another day of unpacking.  Katrina had to go to work for awhile, so I spent much of the day emptying boxes.  Brandon helped out a bit, but overall he and I were both happy with him off playing in his room.

Brandon and I had planned on attending the BBQ at train club this evening but completely forgot about it by the end of the day.  We were just tired and went to bed by 9pm.

Boxes in Katrina's future studio

Unpacking in the kitchen

Family room.  We already sold our couch and the recliner in the far background.  We plan to get two black leather couches soon.

Brandon's room

I've been asked several times how I feel about being home in Corvallis.  It feels comfortable.  I still don't feel emotional about moving.  I'm not extra happy to be here or extra sad to be away from Italy.  We have been so busy the past few weeks.  I have read a few things that say the emotional part of moving internationally will not hit for a month or two, when life settles down into a routine.  We shall see.  There is definitely no routine to our lives quite yet.

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