About Me

I am a 45 year husband and dad, currently adjusting to life back in the United States after living in Italy for a little over two years. I love spending time with my family, cycling, model railroading, mosaics and watching TV and movies.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Foggy Monday

All three of us had a hard time waking up this morning. We had already woken up at 6:30am to see our guests off. They had a plane to catch and didn't want to get stuck in rush hour traffic. After they left, we went back to bed.

Brandon was a little emotional on the walk to school today. He was sad that everyone had left to go home.

Katrina and I drove over to the Auchan mall to get some passport photos taken. We needed them for yet another Italian ID card - the Carta D'Identita. We need this card so that we can start working on getting an Italian drivers license.

So, to date we have the following ID cards to live in Italy:
1) US Passport
2) OR drivers license
3) International drivers license
4) Codice Fiscale
5) Permesso di Soggiorno
6) Carta d'Identita

In the next several months we will add one more to the list, and Italian drivers license.

All the ID's needed to live in Italy (International drivers license not shown)

Mike came over for dinner this evening. Mike and I are going to see a movie later tonight. It's English movie Monday at the Monza cinema.

Dinner tonight was great. We had beef burritos with real cheddar cheese (thanks Carolyn and Laurie!) Yum!

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