Fa Freddo! Its cold outside this morning. We woke up to a temperature of 1c = 33f degrees. Its now 11am and its only 36f degrees outside.
What is up with all the earthquakes? I suspect the earth has many of them each day, but the news is just reporting more of them since the Haiti and Chili quakes. Today I read that there was an earthquake off the coast of Hawaii. Yesterday there was one in Turkey (thats getting a little closer to home!)
My daily bike ride was uneventful. Since the first part of my normal out and back route is mostly uphill, I was nice and warm. Unfortunately, most of the return trip is downhill, so I got pretty chilled. A nice hot shower didn't seem to get the chill out.
This evening I made Bacialli con sugo di carne for dinner - gnocchi roll with meat and spinach. Basically its a gnocchi dough (potato and flour) rolled flat, filled with spinach, ground beef, sausage, and mushrooms. You roll is up into a long roll, boil it, then cut it into slices then bake it...
...Ok, I need practice with this recipe. The potato dough was easy to make and rolled out nicely. Unfortunately, once I layered the meat and spinach on top, I was unable to roll it into a log. It just fell apart. Now it is baking in the oven as a jumbled heap. We'll see how it tastes...
...Ok, so this was my first Italian recipe disaster. Katrina and Brandon gave it a thumbs down. I gave it a sideways thumbs...for average. I guess we can make up for it with some Magnum bars for dessert.
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