Todays forecast for Vedano - an afternoon thunderstorm or two, high 22c. How do they know it will only be one or two thunderstorms? What if its three! Can they actually count incoming thunderstorms?
I had a tough time waking up this morning. I slept pretty hard and took awhile getting acclimated to 'morning'.
Its Tuesday and normally it would be Italian lesson day. We decided that its been a little too much pressure on Brandon, so we have cancelled his lessons for a few weeks until school is out. I decided I could use a break as well. My lessons have been very frustrating lately. I will take a few weeks off like Brandon. We will both resume lessons the week after school is out. Brandon has a little less than three weeks of school left. His last day is on the 25th.
I went grocery shopping at Auchan while Katrina had her Italian lesson. I like shopping at Punto, in our neighborhood, but occasionally we need to stock up on a few things.
I drove Katrina to work today so that I could run a few errands. I keep wanting to start a hobby and had decided awhile back that I wanted to build a model sailing ship. I found one that I keep stopping to look at, but couldn't get myself to buy it. Well, today I bought it. Its a nice wood kit of the HMS Victory. I think it may take me two years to complete it.
I had to run some errands this afternoon: post office, Brandon's school to find out about registration payments for next school year, ATM for cash. I also started making a pile of gear and clothing for Brandon's big two night trip to a castle with his school.
I picked up Brandon at school and we drove over to city center of Vedano to see if the barber was open. He was and he didn't have anyone waiting. I got my first Italian haircut and managed to chat (very basically) with the barber about sports in Italy and the US.
I am listening the the passing thunderstorm as I write this. I love thunderstorms. I wish we had more of them in Oregon.
Brandon is working on a school newpaper, the ISM Weekly. He and his friends have decided to put out a weekly newspaper at school. It is supposed to come out on Fridays, but this week it will come out on Tuesday since they will be on the overnight fieldtrip this week and an Archeo Park fieldtrip on Monday. Its so funny to watch and listen to him work on it. It's such a 'serious' thing for him.
We spent the evening getting Brandon's gear packed up for his castle adventure. I can't wait to hear how it went. Katrina and I need to pack as well. Once we send him off on the bus, we will be driving to Bellagio for two nights. We don't have any sitters here in Italy yet, so we need to take advantage of Brandon's nights away.
Late Breaking News: Katrina was told today that our shipment of belongings will be delivered at 8:30am on Monday!! Honestly, we have been living just fine in a sort of minimalist way. I am most looking forward to having our bikes and some baking dishes...thats all! Oh, and I guess my hobby tool box since I now have a model ship to build.
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