About Me

I am a 45 year husband and dad, currently adjusting to life back in the United States after living in Italy for a little over two years. I love spending time with my family, cycling, model railroading, mosaics and watching TV and movies.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Weight Watchers Update 8

I had my latest WW meeting this morning. After one week of cancelled meetings due to snow and two weeks on vacation, my goal was to maintain my weight loss at +/- 2 lbs. I weighed in at -.2lbs for a total loss of 12.4 lbs so far.

We are back home and back into our routine. My goal is to exercise all week and track my food.

1 comment:

  1. I just joined WW. I said by the time I turn 40 I want to be in tip top shape. Well, I have about 6 weeks to get there! I'm excited for my first weigh in since I've been tracking everything I eat. Keep up your good work!
